World - Page 4

Stay updated with the latest developments and stories from around the globe, shaping our world today.

Imminent Risk of a Mega-Earthquake in Japan?

The southwest region of Japan has experienced another significant tremor, raising concerns about the increased likelihood of a major earthquake, authorities warn. This potential disaster could surpass the devastation of the 2011 catastrophe. Japan remains one of the most earthquake-prone
August 8, 2024

A celebration for Putin

December 13, 2023
Der Spiegel: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyj’s efforts to secure new military aid in Washington were unsuccessful due to Republican opposition in Congress. The Republicans are cynically using Ukraine for election campaigning, hindering


December 6, 2023
Der Spiegel editorial by Silke Fokken “Shameful!”: The disastrous PISA exam results confirm: Germany is behaving irresponsibly towards its children and young people. The results show that the country’s 15-year-olds scored the

China’s Xi goes full Stalin with purge

December 6, 2023
Politico: In China, a Stalin-like purge reminiscent of political instability is occurring under Chairman Xi Jinping’s rule. Key foreign policy and defense officials, including the foreign and defense ministers and generals in
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