Under Shroud of Secrecy, Israel Invasion of Gaza Has Begun

October 31, 2023
1 min read
Israel Invasion of Gaza Has Begun
An Israeli tank, seen from Israel, operating in Gaza on Monday. Credit...Tamir Kalifa for The New York Times

The New York Times: Most of the Israeli Army ground forces withdrew from Gaza City and remained in the countryside on the outskirts of the city. Under U.S. pressure because of demands to soften the response to the Hamas attack, Israel did not even call the operation an invasion. But the death toll in Gaza continues to rise, already over 8,000. Everything is happening under the darkness. The fog of war may also help Israel buy time and confuse Hamas.

▪️ On Friday, before the ground operation began, Israeli medics were ordered to undergo hours of training to prepare for hostage rescue operations. Some thought Israel was on the verge of a major breakthrough in freeing captives rather than preparing for an invasion. After the operation began, army spokesmen stopped answering the phone. The information blockade was complete. Only on Monday did the Army release a little information, giving the impression of a slow offensive.

▪️ Hamas is also trying to use the uncertainty to its advantage. Its military wing acknowledges the clash with Israeli forces, but only in general terms.

▪️ Israeli military experts assess the invasion as phased and gradual. And it is not a blitzkrieg.

The entire article can be read at the link https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/30/world/middleeast/israel-gaza-invasion-secrecy.html?searchResultPosition=2

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