Why Slovakia’s Fico hates Ukraine

October 20, 2023
1 min read
There is a very personal reason why Fico dislikes Ukraine | Vladimir Simicek/AFP via Getty Images

Politico: Slovakia’s newly elected Prime Minister Robert Fico has taken a significant turn in the country’s policy towards Ukraine, opposing further military aid. His stance partly stems from Slovakia’s historical closeness with Russia, but also has a deeply personal context. In 2009, when Fico was Slovakia’s prime minister, a gas crisis between Russia and Ukraine disrupted the supply to EU countries, severely impacting Slovakia’s economy. During a high-tension visit to Kyiv to resolve the issue, Fico felt humiliated by Ukraine’s then-PM Yulia Tymoshenko, who publicly berated him for siding with Moscow. “It was an absolutely unpleasant situation. Fico was red with anger. It was a disaster,” said a senior Slovak official with knowledge of what happened in 2009, speaking on condition of being granted anonymity. “He was humiliated.”

The incident left a bitter taste, contributing to his current anti-Ukraine position. This policy shift has implications for Ukraine, which has previously received military support from Slovakia. Fico advocates for a diplomatic solution to the Ukraine crisis, even blaming Ukraine for instigating the conflict. His Smer party won 23.4% of the votes in the recent election, and arms shipments to Ukraine have since been halted.

The entire article can be read at the link https://www.politico.eu/article/slovakia-new-prime-minister-robert-fico-ukraine-war/

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